Fan Ho Book : The Living Theatre (printing flaws)

The Living Theatre continues the story Fan Ho began in his first book, Hong Kong Yesterday. Focusing on the people of Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960s this book takes a closer look at his beloved city. This is a unique series of images with no image duplication between the other two books, Hong Kong Yesterday and Hong Kong Memoir. The people as actors play out the dramas of their everyday in front of Fan
Ho's lens. Printed in duo tone, Fan Ho gracefully captures the crowds of a busy market place, waterways and the alleyways of each city, beautifully telling the story of the lives of the individuals and the spaces in which their stories are staged. Each image is accompanied by a caption, utilising both the visual and written language to create a poetic and wondrous depiction of an era through his eyes. Published by Themes + Projects.
***These copies have minor printing flaws, priced to reflect this***
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